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READ: <How to write in plain English>

Qingqi@2020-09-25 #read

source: http://www.plainenglish.co.uk/how-to-write-in-plain-english.html because of copyright, this note may have some strange sentence, and this note only focus on the things that is quite useful for me.

  • (I always do this and it's most important) use short sentences
    • average 14~21 words a sentence
    • only one main idea in one sentence
    • broken up long one
  • use active verbs
    • if you want to show active but not passive
  • you can give commands
    • "Please send it to me."
    • "do this"
  • "and, but, because, so, however" could start a sentence
  • a word could be used namy times once

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