Guns, Germs, and Steel
1, “查塔姆群岛是相对小而偏远的岛屿,仅能支持大约2000名狩猎采集者。由于没有其他可接近的岛屿可以殖民,莫里奥里人不得不留在查塔姆群岛,并学习如何与彼此相处。他们通过放弃战争来做到这一点,并通过阉割一些男性婴儿来减少因人口过剩而引发的潜在冲突。结果是一个小型的、非战争性的群体,技术和武器简单,没有强有力的领导和组织。”
Technics and Civilization
1, Peasants’ War of 1525,
2, In comparison with the effects of chemical action and the sun’s rays the human contribution is a small one. Genuine value lies in the power to sustain or enrich life: a glass bead may be more valuable than a diamond, a deal table more valuable esthetically than the most tortuously carved one, and the juice of a lemon may be more valuable on a long ocean voyage than a hundred pounds of meat without it. The value lies directly in the life-function: not in its origin, its rarity, or in the work done by human agents. The miner’s notion of value, like the financier’s, tends to be a purely abstract and quantitative one.
3, The lathe was the woodman’s decisive contribution to the development of machines. First recorded among the Greeks, the primitive form of the lathe consisted of two fixed parts which hold the spindles that turn the wood.
4, The three-field system lingered in British agriculture.
5, Krupp and Creuseot.
6, Court of Montezuma or a Spanish Galleon.
7, Rabelais’s early conception of the Abbey of Theleme.